
Interactive Gambling Solutions

Australia's premier provider of

Betting Systems
Interactive Gambling Websites
& Mobile Applications
Ongoing Support & Maintenance
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Our Services

Web Development

We work with you to design and develop, user-focused desktop and mobile Websites


App Development

We develop fully-customised, robust iOS and Android applications


Server Management

We tailor your system infrastructure to suit your specific needs


Wagering Management

We offer access to a first-rate Wagering Management System for Betting


Event Data Management

We can provide you with access to sport and racing event and result data

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About Us

We service a diverse array of bookmaking clients, ranging from small on-track bookies to some of Australia's largest corporates.

Based in Wollongong, we have our origins on the racetracks and in the betting rings of New South Wales and Queensland, before emerging as one of the pioneers of online betting in Australia over 25 years ago. With our commitment to innovation, dedication to our Clients, and readiness to modernise, we continue to be leaders in the development of interactive wagering solutions for the Australian market.

Through our wealth of experience as bookmaker, punter and software provider, we possess a thorough knowledge of all facets of the Australian wagering industry and are uniquely equipped to develop comprehensive and innovative IT solutions for your betting operation in a constantly and rapidly evolving Australian wagering landscape.

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Our Portfolio

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